After Care
For best results, please adhere to the after-care procedures. Pigmentation is still an invasive procedure; your skin needs a recreational phase after each session.
NeoTempo Aesthetics sells its own specially developed after-care products, which we recommend.
(alternate products are included in the list below)
For the 10 days after your procedure, please adhere to the following instructions:
avoid the use of oil-based products
prevent the use of make-up or make-up remover on the tattooed area
avoid soap and cleansers on the treated area for a minimum of 5 to 7 days, as they can be detrimental to the bonding process that must take place for the pigment to stabilise in the dermis
avoid hot water for 5 to 7 days on the treated area (btw. a cold shower is quite healthy)
avoid exposure to the sun (or solarium), and wear a hat or cap to protect your face from intense solarisation
avoid picking once the skin starts flaking on the treated area
do not put on eyelash-extensions or artificial eyelashes for a minimum of 3 weeks in case you had after an eyeliner session
do not undergo a lip filling procedure 5 weeks prior or earlier than 5 weeks after the tattoo session – in case you plan one let us know, so we can figure out the best appointment schedule – be aware that lip filling might affect the lipline or contour
avoid contact with salt water or chlorinated water when swimming and exercising
no waxing, threading or tweezing of treated areas before 21 days after the session.
To relieve itching sensation and help the healing process:
apply healing cream (provided by us or available at your chemist); apply sparingly three to five times a day with a cotton pad to keep the area moisturised
do not peel off scaling skin manually; allow the colour to flake away by itself
do not use Vaseline or PawPaw-Ointment since this will cover/seal the area, and the skin is not able to “breathe.”
in case of swelling or redness, you can apply cold compresses or ice packs
If you have any questions or queries, feel free to contact us anytime.